Saturday, October 15, 2011

ready for paint... almost

Today I was able to wrap up the sanding portion of the prep work to get the vette ready for paint.  I got the headlights blown apart and all the body pieces I've removed over the past few months sanded down and ready to receive paint.  I even added in the drain holes for the rear hatch.  I figured I'd better get them in now so I don't have to drill holes in fresh paint.  Definitely need those in there, otherwise the water just ponds at the back edge of the halo.  No good at all. 

I'm hoping to assemble the paint booth tomorrow and start masking off the car.  We shall see.  I find my motivation comes in spurts at this point in the project.  The prep work seemed like it would never end, sanding, sanding, filler primer, sanding, sand...  well you get the picture.  I'm hoping that getting the new paint layed down will help to motivate me again.  I'll be able to put the car back together and it wont be the same repetitive task over and over.  I'm getting a bit excited now.  I really want to get it back on the road...  I wonder what a corvette would be like with snow tires in MI.  I can't think it would be any worse than the caddy, but that is for another time.  Just thought I'd post a quick update.  I'll get some more pics up once the booth is set up.

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