Friday, July 29, 2011

Step 4: Close the deal

I get up early Saturday morning, grab some coffee and a shower and hit the road, only 8 or 9 hours to go.  I’ve made arrangements to visit the sellers and then drive another hour to stay the night at my Aunt and Uncle’s in Florida.  Can you say free dinner?  But seriously, it will be nice to visit and be able to not stay at a hotel. 
I get to the seller’s house and lay eyes on my new prize.  Looks good from a distance, but as I get closer, I see the front driver’s door window seals and the roof weather stripping…  bad shape to say the least, no biggie though, parts are out there, and I knew I was going to have to do some work on it.  So I continue to look the car over, all in all the body is in good shape, its evident the rear half had been repainted recently, and as the seller’s walk out to meet me, sure enough that is the case.  The seller runs through all the repairs and known issues, I’m not scared yet.  All said and done, the car is an ’87 with 130,000 miles on it.  It needs some work, but it hasn’t been screwed up by the previous or current owner.  This guy is great, He’s got the original seats, tape deck, and various other parts that he has replaced or upgraded, needless to say, I’m a happy camper.
Problem is, I may just want to keep her, this car is all original, or can be after I get done with it.  Just don’t tell my Wife.  Like I said, I always wanted a Corvette anyway… 
We all chat for a while, good people.  I ask how they would prefer to be paid and we decide on PayPal as the quickest way to get the transaction completed.  My goal for today’s trip was to check out the car and leave with title in hand, oh yeah, and to give the sellers some money.  So I make the transfer in PayPal and they sign over the title, we are all happy, yay. 
Now I’m off to my Aunt and Uncle’s.  I check my voicemail and find a message from Friday from a transport broker that tells me he has a transporter running from Florida to Augusta area on Monday, how cool is that?  I could have the car Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.  So I talk to my Wife and she informs me that I goofed up the PayPal and it will take till at least Wednesday for the sellers to get their money.  Not good.  I want my car on that Monday transport.  I get to my Aunt and Uncle’s, we go to dinner, chat for a bit, then bedtime.  Before I crash out, I look up Corvette parts and fill up a wish list.  Then I log into PayPal to see what can be done to fix my boo boo.  I find out the sellers must cancel the transaction, then I can resend as an instant transfer.  I send off an email Saturday night explaining the situation and go to bed.
The next morning, I get an email from the sellers and we figure out how to cancel the transaction, I resend an instant transfer and viola, we are all good again.  Now if only I can get a hold of the transport broker…  

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